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The Embodied Jewish Woman with Rena Reiser

Mar 20, 2024

Preparation for Purim: Surrendering to Hashem's Support

Rena led us through a journey of somatic mindfulness, guiding us to sink into the present moment with each breath. As we acknowledged our to-do lists and responsibilities, she gently reminded us of the support of Hashem, the One orchestrating everything. With each exhale, we surrendered to Hashem's support, feeling our bodies relax and our nervous systems find calm. Rena encouraged us to release the burden of responsibility, knowing that Hashem holds us through it all. With each cycle of breath, we felt vitality and strength infuse our beings, reassured that we are not alone in our preparations for Purim. This practice reminded us to return to Hashem's support whenever needed, knowing it is ever-present.